“My Lavender Hill, My Childhood” – Youth Project
In building up to the opening of the Cape Town Museum of Childhood, the Museum is engaging with communities to capture childhood experiences and memories, giving children their own voice in the museum. One such project, focussing on youth specifically, will take place in a partnership with Project 021. The project “My Lavender Hill, My Childhood” aims to explore, nurture and develop natural creative talent to produce artistic expressions of various childhood experiences in Lavender Hill. Individuals will have the opportunity to share their experiences and memories by using Art, Dance, Poetry and Music as forms of creative expressions. Working with the youth in the community this week-long series of workshops will be taking place in December 2015, in Lavender Hill. This will culminate in an exciting presentation on Friday, 11 December, of all the completed artistic pieces which will be produced during the various workshops. Skilled coaches will guide the participants through the process of developing their stories and expressions through various art forms, which will then form part of the museum’s collection of childhood-focused art and artefacts.